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Mission Statement


A.R.T. Domine! nourishes Catholic family traditions by helping to foster the formation of families in faith and values through union with God's love. This will form stronger, happier and holier families that will enable them to place their faith, hope and love in God; helping them discover and fulfill their vocation as a family.



 A.R.T Domine Institute is a Catholic Ministry for the whole family: Parents, Children, Teens, Young Adults, Marriage Couples, Adults, Grandparents. Its goal is to help families become stronger, happier and holier through God’s love, helping them in all the areas of the human person: soul, body and mind.

Why the name 


It is a latin phrase which is short for Adveniat regnum tuum Domine, which translate to “Thy Kingdom Come,Lord” Everything we do is for His Kingdom, all that A.R.T Domine offers is to bring God’s Kingdom on Earth.



Why the Logo:


It represents the Domestic Church.

We have entrusted A.R.T Domine to The Holy Family. The Holy Family is our model and inspiration. 



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